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STAAD is the abbreviation for Structural Analysis And Design. STAAD.Pro is one of the popular software that is used for analyzing & designing structures like – buildings, towers, bridges, industrial, transportation and utility structures. Designs may include any building structures like tunnels, culverts, bridges, piles, petrochemical plants; and building materials like timber, concrete, steel, cold-formed steel, and aluminum.

STAAD or STAAD.Pro was developed by Research Engineers International at Yorba Linda, CA in 1997.

To get rid of the boring & time-consuming manual procedures Structural Engineers started using automated software STAAD.Pro.


Why to learnWhy to learn?

STAAD.Pro provides flexible modeling environment, fluent data collaboration, and advanced features. It best structural analysis & design software that supports Indian as well as all international codes.

STAAD.Pro permits structural engineers to design & analyze any type of structure virtually. Structural consultants, structural engineering firms, departments in construction companies, government agencies, owner/operators, offshore platform designers, many more are extensively using this software.

Learning objectiveLearning Objectives:

CADD Center will help you to ace the associated features of STAAD.Pro:

The course will cover all the steps involved in structural analysis & designing of concrete & steel.

This course will introduce one to STAAD.Pro’s state of the art user interface, prevailing analysis and design engines with a sophisticated finite element (FEM), visualization tools, and dynamic analysis capabilities.

Some of the features that we focus in training include:

  • Model Generation: Generation of an interactive menu-driven model with concurrent 3D display 2D & 3D graphics generation using rectangular or polar coordinate systems Segments of repetitive geometry used to generate complex structural models.
  • Model Verification: 2D/3D drawings on screen and printer/plotter full 3D shapes for frames, elements Isometric or any rotations for full 3D viewing.
  • Static Analysis: 2D/3D analysis on the basis of state-of-the-art Matrix method to handle extremely large work. Linear, non-linear, p-delta analysis with automatic load & stiffness correction.
  • Dynamic/Seismic Analysis: Mass modeling, frequency, and mode shape Response spectrum extraction, analysis of time history Modal damping ratio for individual models.
  • Secondary Analysis: Finite element capabilities, concrete design, steel design, and timber design. Forces & displacements at sections between nodes. Maximum & minimum force envelopes.

Learning OutcomeLearning Outcome:

  • Student will be able to complete object-oriented instinctive 2D/3D graphic model generation.
  • Student will learn to use pull-down menus, tool-tip help, and floating toolbars.
  • Student will be able for carrying out flexible zooms and multiple views.
  • Student will know to make isometric & perspective views and 3D shapes.
  • Student will know the use of simple command language and built-in command file editor.
  • Student will learn how to generate graphics/text input.
  • Student will be able to do efficient algorithm that will minimize disk space requirements.
  • Student will learn to take presentation quality printer plots of geometry and results as part of the run output.
  • Student will be able to perform accurate and numerically efficient plate/shell element incorporating out-of-plane shear & in-plane rotation; automatic element mesh generation; comprehensive element stress output including in-plane stresses, out-of-plane shear, bending & principal stresses at nodal, as well as, user-specified points.
  • Student will learn how to achieve user-specified design parameters to customize a design.
  • Student will know to perform code check, member selection and optimized member selection consisting of analysis/design cycles.
  • Student will be able to design concrete beams/columns/slabs/footings as per all major international codes.

© CADD Centre 2023, All rights reserved


AC-3, 2 nd Floor
2 nd Avenue(Next to Turakhia Opticals),
Anna Nagar,
Chennai - 600040.

Ph : 4350 0770 / 4350 0771
Email : cadannanagar@cadd.co.in

CADD CENTRE Nelson Manickam Rd

3 rd Floor, 1 st Wing,
Nelson tower, (Near Bata Showroom),
Nelson Manickam Road,
Chennai - 600029.

Phone : 2374 6026 / 2374 6027
Email: cadnmroad@cadd.co.in


# 6, MTH Road,
DABC Complex, (Opp Wheels India),
Chennai - 600050.

Phone : 2654 6686 / 2654 6687
Email : cadpadi@cadd.co.in